Unwanted moles and skin tags

Remove unwanted lesions and blemishes, clearing your skin to achieve a smoother, more youthful complexion.

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Moles are skin lesions that are usually benign, but which have the potential to become cancerous. Skin tags are growths that form due to irritation (for example, where skin and clothing rub against each other). At Epsom Skin Clinics we assess your skin and remove unwanted moles or skin tags, leaving you with clearer, smoother skin. A patch test might be necessary before treatment.








Moles can occur anywhere on the skin, and though skin tags most commonly appear in areas of friction such as the meeting place of your neck and the collar or lining of your clothing, they sometimes occur on the eyelids.


Our doctors can choose from various methods for mole removal, depending on the mole and its location:

  • Hyfrecation – Primarily used for small, flat moles, skin tags and warts, the hyfrecation process uses micro-currents of electricity to heat small treatment tips, which can target and destroy tiny areas of skin, or the blood supply feeding a lesion.
  • Shave Excision – Using a scalpel blade parallel to the skin, the doctor removes the lesion layer by layer, leaving only even skin behind. The majority of shaved moles do not require a dressing and heal quickly.
  • Punch Biopsy – This is done with a round shaped knife ranging in size from 1mm to 8mm.  The punch biopsy includes a sample of full thickness skin and subcutaneous fat, commonly used to diagnose most inflammatory skin conditions.
  • Cut and Stitch –  The most common method used for larger, raised moles, cut and stitch removes the entire mole or lesion and closes the wound with a small stitch. For larger lesions a punch biopsy might be performed to send a small sample to the pathology laboratory in order to confirm if a removal is needed.

At Epsom Skin Clinics, we remove skin tags through hyfrecation – a minor surgical procedure that uses electrocautery to burn off skin lesions.

There might be a small white mark where a skin tag used to be, and a similarly small scar where a large mole was removed, requiring a stitch in the skin, but either minor blemish will be far less noticeable that the removed skin tag or mole.

Our dermatology specalists have years of experience and dermascopy tools to have a deeper look into your moles and can spot the early sign of skin cancer. All moles removed through minor surgery are also sent to our local accredited lab for full histology testing meaning we can reassure you both professionaly and scientifically.

We will give you a local anaesthetic in the treatment area prior to removing your mole or skin tag, so the treatment should be pain free.

Book your appointment today!

call: 01372 737280

email: epsom@epsomskinclinics.com